About us
The Austin Church of Christ is a congregation of Christians drawn together by a common faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We strive to pattern ourselves according to the New Testament standard and rely on God’s word alone to direct our lives and worship. We are committed to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
We have no denominational affiliation. Furthermore, we choose not to be formally identified by any man’s name other than Christ and generally refer to ourselves as Christians (Acts 11:26). We welcome anyone to become a part of our congregation who has or will obey the biblical plan of salvation and is dedicated to faithfully serving God in their life.
When we gather together in our assemblies, our main goal is to build each other up as we practice family-integrated worship (1 Cor 14:26). Our assemblies include prayer together as a congregation and acapella singing. When we are taught from God’s word, the Bible, in our assemblies, we are taught by a male individual either of our congregation or another congregation in the churches of Christ. Each Lord’s Day, we observe the communion and collect a free-will offering. We encourage each individual in our congregation to gratefully participate in the assemblies with a willing heart within the bounds of God’s word, the Bible.
We encourage individuals in our congregation to worship God “in spirit and in truth,” (John 4:23-24) and to minister as a servant to God, the church, the community, and the world. We encourage one another to live a devout life glorifying God, to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and to promote unity with other Christians through adherence to God’s word.